Post-Relational Database Command Reference
E Index: E  Symbol  Idea  Code  
EQUCan be used like an EQUATE to define literals.
EQUATECan be used like an EQU to define literals.
Symbol Index: E  Symbol  Idea  Code  
<Symbol for boolean Less-Than compare. Also used as close angle bracket.
<>Symbol for not equals (boolean test). Also used as Angle brackets.
=Symbol for equals (boolean test) or assignment.
>Symbol for boolean Greater-Than compare. Also used as open angle bracket.
Idea Index: E  Symbol  Idea  Code  
CONSTANTSConstants are values which cannot change during the course of execution.
VARIABLESVariables are values which can change during the course of execution.
Code Index: E  Symbol  Idea  Code  
ANGLESExample of Angle brackets.
ASSIGNMENTExample of Assignment handling
DEFINEThis is how $DEFINE and its related commands work.
EQUATEThis is how constants are created.

More Details or Suggestions?

MV Updated from a Post-Relational data table on 10:18:38 23 Apr 2010
Courtesy of Key Ally, Inc.
General Automation is a Trademark of Tiger Logic

Post-Relational (adjective) relating to databases which are a superset of SQL and XML, offering highly structured data with both relational and multi-value approaches available.

PRDB Reference (noun) repository of commands, concepts, and code designed for the various Post-Relational databases.