Post-Relational Database Command Reference
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ABORTStops execution and returns to command level.
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BEGIN CASEBEGIN CASE and END CASE are designed to bracket a set of CASE statements.
BREAK KEYDetermins whether or not a user can issue a break command to interrupt the execution of a program.
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CALLTransfer control to a subroutine, with the expectation that control will transfer back when the subroutine encounters a RETURN.
CASECASE statements are a cleaner form of cascading IF-THEN-ELSE.
CHAINUse this command to transfer control from on program to another with no method for returning.
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DODO is a looping command.
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ELSEIt is used only in conjunction with another branching command. THEN is the "Yes" path. ELSE is the "No" path.
ENDUsed by several different branching commands to end a conditional block of code. It can also be used to establish physical end of program, a point after which the compiler will ignore all text in a program.
END CASEBEGIN CASE and END CASE are designed to bracket a set of CASE statements.
ENTERUse this command to transfer control from on program to another with no method for returning.
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FORThis is a looping command, which is a special form of branching command, designed to repeat a block of code.
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GOUse this command when you want to jump to a different point in the code with no need to return.
GOSUBGOSUB allows a program to detour to a label within the same program and then resume from the original point when it encounters a RETURN.
GOTOUse this command when you want to jump to a different point in the code with no need to return.
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IFThis is the primary branching command. I is used to include and excludeblocks of code dynamically at runtime.
INPUTIFAllows several things to be mashed into a single, poorly thought out command. Use INPUT instead and increase readability.
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LOCATEThere are two syntaxes for the LOCATE. Both are explained here.
LOOPInitiates a DO loop.
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NEXTPart of the FOR loop.
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PERFORMExecutes a command as if issued from the command line.
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STEPOptional part of the FOR command.
STOPStops execution and returns to command level.
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THENIt is used only in conjunction with another branching command. THEN is the "Yes" path. ELSE is the "No" path.
TOUsed in FOR, EQU amd EQUATE.
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UNTILManges the exit from a DO or FOR loop.
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WHILEManges the exit from a DO or FOR loop.
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BRANCHINGWithout branching, programs would execute each command once, in order. Branching allows us to repeat sections of code, perform some sections conditionally, and skip others based on external events.

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MV Updated from a Post-Relational data table on 10:18:38 23 Apr 2010
Courtesy of Key Ally, Inc.
General Automation is a Trademark of Tiger Logic

Post-Relational (adjective) relating to databases which are a superset of SQL and XML, offering highly structured data with both relational and multi-value approaches available.

PRDB Reference (noun) repository of commands, concepts, and code designed for the various Post-Relational databases.