Post-Relational Database Command Reference
C Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
CLEARFILEDeletes all the records in a table's data section or dict section.
CREATEUsed with OPENSEQ to create new O/S files (Types 1 and 19).
D Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
DELETEThere are two delete commands. Both are explained here.
F Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
FLUSHUsed with OPENSEQ to make sure all writes have completed.
L Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
M Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
MATREADIdentical to READ except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
MATREADUIdentical to READU except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
MATWRITE Identical to WRITE except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
MATWRITEUIdentical to WRITEU except that the receiving dynamic array is replaced by a receiving dimensioned array.
O Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
OPENOPEN establishes a file handle.
R Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
READRetrieves a record from the file and based on the record id
READURetrieves a record from the file and based on the record id and sets an update lock
READVRetrieves a field from a record from the file and based on the record id
READVURetrieves a field from record from the file and based on the record id and sets an update lock
U Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
W Index: C  D  F  L  M  O  R  U  W  
WRITEWrites record back to a database table.
WRITEUWrites data back to the database.
WRITEVWrites one field back to a database table.
WRITEVUWrites field back to a database table.

More Details or Suggestions?

MV Updated from a Post-Relational data table on 10:18:38 23 Apr 2010
Courtesy of Key Ally, Inc.
General Automation is a Trademark of Tiger Logic

Post-Relational (adjective) relating to databases which are a superset of SQL and XML, offering highly structured data with both relational and multi-value approaches available.

PRDB Reference (noun) repository of commands, concepts, and code designed for the various Post-Relational databases.